
To date (January 2018) we have Recorded all known instances in the U.K. Births, Deaths and Marriages registers from 1837 to 2007

We have recorded all registered wills and administrations since 1855 as well as some before that date.
We have recorded all the instances in the 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 censuses.

It is not a common surname and on our database for the UK we have:
731 recorded Seckerson Births – from 1500 to present day
406 recorded Seckerson Marriages – from 1535 to present day
593 recorded Seckerson Deaths – from 1562 to present day

According to the Office for National Statistics, Seckerson is the 56,688th least common surname. There were just 42 recorded instances in the UK in 2002

Most Seckersons appear to have come originally from the Staffordshire and Cheshire areas

Two seperate branches of Seckersons emigrated to the USA between 1832 and 1872

We have on our database for the USA the following:
125 recorded Seckerson Births – from 1840 to present day
97 recorded Seckerson Marriages – from 1840 to present day
71 recorded Seckerson Deaths – from 1842 to present day